Lord Jesus Wallpapers - Lord Jesus Wallpaper - Lord Jesus Images - Lord Jesus Photos - Lord Jesus- Jesus - Jesus Calls - Jesus Call- Lord Jesus - Lord Jesus Photos Gallery...!!!!
Jesus was born a Palestine Jew. He was born of Mary and Joseph at Bethlehem while not impregnation and out of immaculate conception. He was meek and humble. He remained as innocent as a baby throughout his life. He was tolerant, kind and merciful. He was a Yogi of the East though he preached in Palestine.
Jesus welcomed and embraced the sinners, the despised and therefore the harlots and purified them. He comforted them and gave them solace and peace. He raised the fallen. He brought relief and rest to the broken-hearted.
Jesus said: "Unless you become as children, you shall in no wise enter the dominion of God". To Jesus, God was a loving Father. Jesus' watchword was love for God and fellowmen.
"Have religion in God. The Lord is our God. Thou shalt love the Lord with all thy heart and every one thy soul, and every one thy mind, and every one thy strength. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The love of God manifests within the love of man." this is often the central teaching of Jesus.
Jesus was a world teacher, a prophet and Messiah. His Sermon on the Mount is nothing however the apply of Sadachara or right conduct. It corresponds to the apply of Yama-Niyama of Raja-Yoga, the Eightfold Path of Lord Buddha. it's marvellous, inspiring and soul-stirring.
Jesus was born a Palestine Jew. He was born of Mary and Joseph at Bethlehem while not impregnation and out of immaculate conception. He was meek and humble. He remained as innocent as a baby throughout his life. He was tolerant, kind and merciful. He was a Yogi of the East though he preached in Palestine.
Jesus welcomed and embraced the sinners, the despised and therefore the harlots and purified them. He comforted them and gave them solace and peace. He raised the fallen. He brought relief and rest to the broken-hearted.
Jesus said: "Unless you become as children, you shall in no wise enter the dominion of God". To Jesus, God was a loving Father. Jesus' watchword was love for God and fellowmen.
"Have religion in God. The Lord is our God. Thou shalt love the Lord with all thy heart and every one thy soul, and every one thy mind, and every one thy strength. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The love of God manifests within the love of man." this is often the central teaching of Jesus.
Jesus was a world teacher, a prophet and Messiah. His Sermon on the Mount is nothing however the apply of Sadachara or right conduct. It corresponds to the apply of Yama-Niyama of Raja-Yoga, the Eightfold Path of Lord Buddha. it's marvellous, inspiring and soul-stirring.

Lord Jesus Wallpapers - Lord Jesus Wallpaper - Lord Jesus Images - Lord Jesus Photos - Lord Jesus- Jesus - Jesus Calls - Jesus Call- Lord Jesus - Lord Jesus Photos Gallery...!!!!
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