Lord Buddha Wallpapers free Download - Free lord buddha walllpapers - gautam buddha wallpapers - lord buddha cell - lord buddha phone - lord buddha image - lord buddha quotes - lord buddha photos...!!!!
In the sixth century before the Christian era, faith was forgotten in India. The lofty teachings of the Vedas were thrown into the background. There was abundant priestcraft everywhere. The insincere clergymen traded on faith. They duped the folks during a form of ways in which and amassed wealth for themselves. They were quite irreligious. within the name of faith, folks followed within the footsteps of the cruel clergymen and performed meaningless rituals. They killed innocent dumb animals and did varied sacrifices. The country was in dire want of a reformer of Buddha's sort. At such a essential amount, when there have been cruelty, degeneration and unrighteousness everywhere, reformer Buddha was born to place down priestcraft and animal sacrifices, to avoid wasting the folks and disseminate the message of equality, unity and cosmic love everywhere.
Lord Buddha Birth
Buddha's father was Suddhodana, king of the Sakhyas. Buddha's mother was named Maya. Buddha was born in B.C. 560 and died at the age of eighty in B.C. 480. The place of his birth was a grove referred to as Lumbini, close to the town of Kapilavastu, at the foot of Mount Palpa within the Himalayan ranges at intervals Nepal. This little town Kapilavastu stood on the bank of the insufficient river Rohini, some hundred miles north-east of the town of Varnasi. because the time drew nigh for Buddha to enter the globe, the gods themselves ready the approach before him with celestial portents and signs. Flowers bloomed and mild rains fell, though out of season; heavenly music was heard, delicious scents crammed the air. The body of the kid bore at birth the thirty-two auspicious marks (Mahavyanjana) that indicated his future greatness, besides secondary marks (Anuvyanjana) in giant numbers. Maya died seven days when her son's birth. the kid was said by Maya's sister Mahaprajapati, who became its foster-mother.
Lord Buddha Birth
Buddha's father was Suddhodana, king of the Sakhyas. Buddha's mother was named Maya. Buddha was born in B.C. 560 and died at the age of eighty in B.C. 480. The place of his birth was a grove referred to as Lumbini, close to the town of Kapilavastu, at the foot of Mount Palpa within the Himalayan ranges at intervals Nepal. This little town Kapilavastu stood on the bank of the insufficient river Rohini, some hundred miles north-east of the town of Varnasi. because the time drew nigh for Buddha to enter the globe, the gods themselves ready the approach before him with celestial portents and signs. Flowers bloomed and mild rains fell, though out of season; heavenly music was heard, delicious scents crammed the air. The body of the kid bore at birth the thirty-two auspicious marks (Mahavyanjana) that indicated his future greatness, besides secondary marks (Anuvyanjana) in giant numbers. Maya died seven days when her son's birth. the kid was said by Maya's sister Mahaprajapati, who became its foster-mother.
Bhagavata Purana, Canto 1, Chapter 3 - SB 1.3.24: "Then, in the beginning of Kali-yuga, the Lord will appear as Lord Buddha, the son of Anjana, in the province ..!!!!
Lord Buddha then walked on to Varnasi. He entered the 'deer-park' one evening. He gave his discourse there and preached his doctrine.

Lord Buddha's Words. Just as might a mother with her life, protect the son that was her only child, So let him then for every living thing, maintain unbounded ...!!!

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