
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hong Kong City

Hong Kong is a special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China [PRC]. It is situated on China's south coast and, enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea, it is known for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour.

Hong Kong became a colony of the British Empire after the First Opium War [1839–42]. Originally confined to Hong Kong Island, the colony's boundaries were extended in stages to the Kowloon Peninsula in 1860 and then the New Territories in 1898. Under the principle of 'one country, two systems', Hong Kong has a different political system from mainland China.

As one of the world's leading international financial centres, Hong Kong has a major capitalist service economy characterised by low taxation and free trade, and the currency, Hong Kong Dollar, is the eighth most traded currency in the world.

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